
Important League Notices







!! BVL 6s Intermediate Tourney !!

Hey BVLers!

Here's some more volleyball coming your way! We're excited to bring you a mini, coed 6s spiking, intermediate tournament. See the attached poster for more details. Spots are limited, so get your players ready and sign up ASAP! Email with any questions!

For those wondering... This mini tournament will follow the regular BVL coed 6s spiking format.  However, interested players will register as a trio (ideally 2 male, 1 female, to cover power, setter, and right side positions).  Each game, you will be paired with another trio to complete the 6 player requirement. Each trio will be awarded points based on the +/- results of each game. After multiple games, scores will be tallied and the two trios with the highest scores will win BVL swag!

Last Updated: 25 days ago.

City of Brampton Labour Disruption

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Hello BVLers,

As you may have heard, The City of Brampton is experiencing a labour disruption resulting from the strike by CUPE Local 831 as of 2:00am this morning.  We are in contact with the city and have been assured that there is no disruption to current permits at this time.

Overnight, they have published a list of modified recreation center hours and the impact at this time seems to be for facilities we use after 10:00pm (Cassie Campbell, Terry Miller).  We’ll be taking this into account for upcoming schedules pending official permit revisions.

Ongoing updates as available will be communicated via email, our website and Facebook page.


President, Brampton Volleyball League

Last Updated: 26.3 days ago.

BVL's 2024 Indoor Season is Here!


The Wait is Over!

The Brampton Volleyball League's 2024 Indoor Season will be starting soon, and REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Over 20+ weeks of multi-tiered volleyball action, with the following sessions available:

  • Tuesday - Coed Non-Spiking 6s
  • Tuesday - Coed Reverse 4s
  • Wednesday - Women's 6s
  • Thursday - Coed Spiking 6s

Register as a team or an individual, but do not delay as spots are limited. Email with any questions you might have or visit for more details.

#BVLvolleyball #BVLaction #Brampton #Volleyball #League #Mississauga #Vaughan #Milton #Bolton #Georgetown #competitive #recreational #sports


Last Updated: 89.2 days ago.

BVL Group on Facebook

For those Facebook junkies, the BVL page is open - look up the group at "Brampton Volleyball League (BVL)".  Hopefully this will be a new way for members, teams and the league to communicate.  New content will continue to be added including game updates, pickup game sessions, cancellations, tournaments, and more!

Last Updated: 1.8 years ago.

League E-mails

To prevent e-mails from the league from being placed in your junk/spam mail folder, please add

Last Updated: 11.2 years ago.

Upcoming Events

 There are currently no events posted.

Weather in Brampton

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