Manage Your BVL Profile
Keep your BVL player profile up-to-date with this simple online tool. It is vitally important that all of your contact information be up to date.
How to use this tool:
- Enter your PRIMARY e-mail address (the one currently on file with the league) - Note: once logged in you can change your e-mail address to a new one.
- Once you have entered in your e-mail address and submitted the form you will recieve an e-mail to the address you supplied. In that e-mail will be a link. Click on the link and you will be taken to a secure page where you can update your contact information.
- Save your changes. Once your changes. To end your secure session (highly recommended) simply click on the SECURELY END SESSION link at the top of the form.
League Information

Forum Postings Overview
01 Team is looking for players 01 Player is looking for a team 00 General postingsUpcoming Events
There are currently no events posted.